Curriculum Overview
Brookfield School believes that every pupil deserves the opportunity to follow a curriculum that is tailored to their individual needs, aspirations and interests. Our curriculum aims to inspire and motivate across a wide continuum of need. Each pupil is assessed upon entry and provided with an appropriate curriculum offer based upon their immediate needs and long term goals.
Whilst most pupils follow a typical high school curriculum, some are more suited to the vocational and practical elements on offer. Our KS4 site in Fleetwood provides excellent alternative options underpinned by a core curriculum of Numeracy, Literacy, Physical Activity and Cultures, Ethics, Morals and Values (CEMV).
We provide a curriculum that is tailored to individual pupils and is linked to career aspirations and interests in order to maximise engagement and outcomes for each individual. Pupils following a bespoke timetable meet core expectations and a specific offer that is progressive, reflective and linked to their EHCP. The pathway and progression plan is agreed by parents and supporting professionals upon entry.
The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said; and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.
Key stage 3 (Yr7,8 & 9)
Compulsory national curriculum subjects are:
- English
- maths
- science
- history
- geography
- modern foreign languages
- design and technology
- art and design
- music
- physical education
- citizenship
- computing
To view a curriculum overview for each year group, please click on the links below. Parents can use this to support learning.
Key stage 4 (Yr10 & Yr11)
During Key Stage 4 most pupils work towards national qualifications – usually GCSE’s.
The compulsory national curriculum subjects are the ‘core’ and ‘foundation’ subjects.
Core subjects are:
- maths
- science
Foundation subjects are:
- computing
- physical education
- citizenship
Schools must also offer at least one subject from each of these areas:
- arts
- design and technology
- humanities
- modern foreign languages
They must also provide religious education (RE) and sex education at Key Stage 4.
To view a curriculum overview for Year 10 & 11, please click on the link below. Parents can use this to support learning.
Curriculum Overview Yr 10 and 11 all subjects
Qualifications offered at Brookfield include but are not limited to:
Edexcel GCSE English Language
Edexcel GCSE English Literature
AQA GCSE Biology
AQA GCSE Chemisty
AQA GCSE Combined Science
Pearson GCSE History
Entry Levels and Functional Skills
WJEC / OCR Entry Level English
Pearson Functional English L1/2
AQA Entry Level Maths
Pearson Functional Maths L1/2
AQA Entry Level Science
Pearson BTEC Science L1/L2
Pearson BTEC Sport L1
Pearson BTEC Construction L1
Pearson BTEC Work Skills L1
Pearson BTEC Cooking L2
IMIAL Motor Vehicle Repair L1
Pearson Vocational studies L1
OCR Cambridge Nationals Sports Studies L1/2
PSD (Personal and Social Development)
All pupils at Brookfield take part in compulsory PSD sessions covering PSHE, Citizenship, RE and British Values.