To assist students in making the best decisions for their career upon leaving Brookfield, students receive an introduction to careers in KS3 and a comprehensive package of advice and guidance in KS4.
Careers is considered when planning all aspects of the curriculum. Our offer provides inspiration and pathways to signpost students towards thinking about long term goals and aspirations. Careers events, workplace visits and open days provide a focus for pupils on potential career paths and the skills/qualities required.
Careers Education at Brookfield follows national standards and expectations, identifies additional measures to support our pupils further and uses Gatsby benchmarks as a development tool. This page will provide information and guidance that supports our robust careers program.
What are the Gatsby benchmarks?
The eight benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance developed to support schools and based on best practice from across the world.
To view more information on Gatsy Benchmarks please follow the links below:
Gatsby SEND joint statement – Gatsby Toolkit – Gatsby Benchmarks
Our Gatsby Benchmark for January 2025 can be found here
We have strong links with the following institutions:
- Blackpool Sixth Form College
- Blackpool and the Fylde College
- Myerscough College
- Lancaster and Morecambe College
- Preston College
- Creativity Works (Preston)
- Preston Vocational Centre
The specific needs of our pupils are identified early with regards to post 16 destinations and provision. Our college and workplace partners understand the demands and needs of our pupils and tailor their approach accordingly.
Throughout their career at Brookfield (Year 7-11), pupils can expect the following careers-related input:
- Careers assembly focus
- Leadership Skills – Personal Development curriculum
- Targeted students one-to-one careers aspiration meetings, including all disadvantaged students
- CEMV and Personal Development sessions lessons each week, that focus on careers-related themes
- Careers focus included in Parent Review Days
- Mentoring sessions for selected students from external partners
- Targeted students one-to-one careers aspiration meetings, including all disadvantaged students
- Careers Fairs
- Mentoring sessions with Pastoral staff
- Work Experience in Year 10 & Year 11
- Careers Officer and post-16 providers present at Parents Review Day
- Work Skills qualification centred on employability skills (including a job interview)
- A one-to-one careers interview for every student
- Assemblies and visits from various post-16 providers
- Personal Finance through CEMV and Work skills curriculum
- Careers Officer and post-16 providers present at Parents Review Day
- Drop-in sessions from local providers
More information can be requested from Mr L Pinch or Mr K Cleland (Careers Leads) on 01253 886895, or
To view our Careers Policy please click here.
To view our Careers Intent statement please click here
To View our Careers Programme, please click here
To view our Fair Access Policy please click here
All of the documents above are reviewed and updated annually.
Pupils, parents and carers will be regularly updated via parent review days, regular communication (Weduc, social media, email) and dedicated events.
Local Labour Market Information (LMI)
Brookfield School has excellent links with local businesses supported by our Enterprise Coordinator and Business Enterprise Advisor.
Your new Careers Information Advice and Guidance resources from the Lancashire Careers Hub is available now! Take a look at the new Careers Portal!!
Lancashire Enterprise Partnership – Blackpool, Fylde & Wyre Labour Market factsheet
We are always looking to develop relationships with local businesses that would be willing to support our careers programme. Any interested businesses should contact Leon Pinch or Kane Cleland (Careers Lead).
In addition to advice and guidance provided as part of or careers programme, we will regularly add supportive resources and documents (below) for parents and pupils to access.